Spring is definitely here now with 75 degree days and 50s at night making for some great wild hog hunting here in South Carolina
John and his son Jason joined us again this year from NY, and this time it was John with the lucky rabbit's foot. He started the trip off with killing a lone 108lb sow Friday night and then stacked up a 35 griller hog on Saturday when a pack of eaters came out. And this past weekend, Friday night Barry and John ran over for just one night when they had a break from a work trip to SC. And both slammed hogs - Barry with a 102lb sow and John with his 45lb sow to make it a memorable trip! Congratulations to everyone!
Note that it is very common for hunters to kill hogs that have old injuries (and sometimes new) since wild pigs not only have a tough life surviving in the wild, they also fight amongst themselves a lot even as piglets. Wild boars are also very rough when mating a sow and often injure them then as well. In addition, hogs have a very small kill zone compared to a deer, and we often kill hogs that have been shot before in the leg or neck that have survived no problem. They are truly some very tough animals!
Cold weather is most likely done here in the lowcountry as our days and nights get warmer. However there is still plenty of great hunting to be had over the next few months, so give us a call or check out our available hunt dates online. While it will most likely be later to beat the heat, the hogs often show since they can't travel far once it gets too hot and will be sticking close to water and feeders. And while they are enjoying a lot of natural foods right now as everything is sprouting, they will definitely keep hitting the corn too.